We are Waving Bear Studio, an indie game studio based in Cornwall England
Dan Busuttil
Programmer & Co-Founder
Dan is a Unity developer, having previously developed casual mobile games as well as VR simulations for the military and fashion industries.
Matt Busuttil
Animator & Co-Founder
Specializing in animation, Matt has previously worked on an award-winning independent short film. He also worked on a VR interactive exhibit shown at Portsmouth Comic-Con.
Lucy Earp
Artist & Co-Founder
Lucy is a 2D and 3D artist. Her previous body of work includes a developing a VR medical simulation for chemotherapy patients.
Ashley Wharfe
Artist & Co-Founder
Ashley is a 2D and 3D artist. He has previously worked as a graphic artist and also worked on a VR interactive exhibit shown at Portsmouth Comic-Con.